Simulation games for secondary level

In the Jean Monnet Project JUMPER, an EU simulation game was developed especially for students who have been barely reached by political education so far. As members of the European Parliament, they discuss a regulation on the topic of plastic waste. Instead of text-heavy approaches, interactive, playful and lifeworld-oriented approaches are used.
Negotating at 27
This simulation game developed by the Council of the EU on the topic of fair fashion is designed to give learners an impression of how the Council of the EU works. The aim is to show that although negotiations between the member states are often difficult, it is possible to find workable solutions and compromises.
This simulation game is available in the 24 official languages of the EU! Please feel free to contact us or the Council of the EU for the introductory presentation.

A website that offers concepts and materials, including a simulation game, for educational activities to trainers, multipliers, and teachers on the topic of values. The aim is to enable and promote an open debate on this sensitive issue, and particularly on its European dimension. Materials are available in Englilsh, German, Polish and Italian.
Giving Europe a Home
This simulation game, developed by CIVIC Institute, introduces participants to the workings of the EU using the example of the young European policy area of culture. The players slip into the roles of Commission President, EU Commissioners, Foreign Ministers or members of the EU Council. They familiarise themselves with the legislative processes of the Union (ordinary legislative procedure) and try their hand at the difficult balancing act between national and European interests. And if everything goes well, together they will give the EU an exciting new vision!

Image sources:
File name: International_trade
Soource: Freepik
File name: Europa_vernetzt
Source: Pixabay (TheAndrasBarta)
File name: Puzzle_blau
Source: Pixabay (katerinavulcova)