What Europe does for me
“What the EU does for me” a portal of the European Parliament with information on EU activities and projects, filterable by region, living environment/everyday life and thematic focus.
The EU timeline
An interactive timeline of the history of the EU, which can be used for independent discovery.
Pioneers of the EU
From resistance fighters and Holocaust survivors to politicians and even a film star – this brochure introduces visionary leaders whose ideas laid the foundations for todays Europe.
Virtual tour of the European Parliament
The European Parliament offers a 360-degree virtual tour of Brussels and Strasbourg, where students can get to know people and buildings, learn more about participation opportunities and “meet” MEPs.
Dateiname: Europa_vernetzt
Quelle: Pixabay
Dateiname: Material_LearningCornerEU_03
Quelle: Europäische Union
Dateiname: Material_LearningCornerEU_06
Quelle: Europäische Union
Dateiname: 04European_Parliament_Strasbourg_Hemicycle_-_Diliff
Quelle: Photo by DAVID ILIFF. License: CC BY- SA3.0